Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Overcoming the Challenges to Managing Clients and Preventing Fraud in a Purely Decentralized “Entity”

April 25, 2024 4:15pm

Benjamin Bathgate
WeirFoulds LLP (Canada)

Amy Harvey
Executive Partner

Alex Potts KC
4 Pump Court

DAOs are known to operate as a community with automated efficiency, transparency and no central authority – based completely on trust and transparency – which in theory minimizes the risk of stolen funds. However, they are also very vulnerable to hackers that have the ability to exploit vulnerabilities and the lack of security when managing crypto and other digital funds.

In this session we will discuss the risks, practical difficulties, legal battles and governance structures associated with DAOs – and best practices for overcoming these challenges when representing DAOs, such as:

  • Difficulties in managing clients that can number in the hundreds
  • The lack of a well-developed and efficient infrastructure to manage reporting, treasury management, governance, payroll, and communication
  • Managing the various types of assets often associated with DAOs
  • Navigating smart contracts and security issues that can lead to fragmenting and splits of DAOs