CPD Continuing Professional Development
Many of our conferences, workshops and other events fulfill accreditation requirements of various bodies. For example, many of our conferences for the legal community satisfy yearly continuing professional development (CPD) credits. In addition, many of our programs are accredited by various accrediting bodies such as the Human Resource Professionals Association (HRPA).
CPD Accreditation
C5 provides Continuing Professional Development accreditation for all of our Legal, Compliance, Tax and Financial conferences. C5 ensures that CPD points are available to all its registered delegates as they sign in at the event or via Webcast. Applicable CPD points for attending each of our events are calculated and highlighted on the event brochure to ensure you obtain the maximum benefit from your attendance. As a recognised provider of quality educational programming, C5 ensures that the accreditation process is smooth and that each attendee who applies for points receives his/her certification promptly after attending an event. All Solicitors and Registered European lawyers (RELs) in legal practice or employment in England and Wales must comply with the requirements of the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s continuing professional development scheme.