Merge Gaming Suspends Online Poker Accounts in NJ and DE, by Dabid, Posted on BetOnline
The regulation of online poker in New Jersey and Delaware is being blamed for the Merge Gaming Network suspending players´ accounts in those jurisdictions. This weekend, hundreds of online poker players in New Jersey and Delaware tried to log in to play poker on their Merge Gaming skin (Carbon Poker, BetUSA, Sportsbook etc.) and discovered that their accounts had been suspended for “security reasons”. [Read More…]Mohegans get $50M for Pennsylvania hotel, Posted on
The parent of Uncasville resort casino Mohegan Sun received $50 million in financing from a New York investment firm for a 238-room hotel in Pennsylvania. [Read More…]The Heron’s Nest: The downside of legalized gambling By Phil Heron, Delaware County Daily Times, Posted on Daily Times Blogs
Pennsylvania is now considering adding keno to its lottery arsenal. There also are rumblings of the state getting its foot in the door of online gaming, if only to keep pace with New Jersey in the ever-cutthroat battle for every last gambling dollar out there. [Read More…]Atlantic City suffers decline in vehicle traffic for 2013 By DONALD WITTKOWSKI, Staff Writer, Posted on
Competition from casinos in surrounding states and the lingering effects of Hurricane Sandy took their toll on Atlantic City’s highway and airport travel in 2013. Rail and casino bus traffic also declined for the year, showing that all modes of transportation were vulnerable to the downward trends, according to year-end figures released by the South Jersey Transportation Authority. [Read More…]Gambling expansion is a bad bet for Pennsylvania, Posted on
Revenue from slots machines was down last year. New Jersey has just legalized online gambling. Pennsylvania is looking at a deficit of $1.4 billion or so heading into fiscal year 2014-15. Talk about a perfect storm. So what’s the solution? Easy. More gambling! Once again, the Legislature is eyeing a gambling expansion to plug holes in the budget. But considering the other elements of the perfect storm, we still argue that gambling is a bad bet. [Read More…]
Online gaming far from an instant hit for Delaware’s casinos, By Wade Malcolm The News Journal, Posted on DelawareOnline
As out-of-state competition battered the finances of Delaware’s three casinos, policymakers hoped the arrival of online gambling late last year would provide a much-needed lifeline. The gambling industry, however, was skeptical. “We’re not sure how much revenue this is going to produce,” Dover Downs Hotel & Casino CEO Ed Sutor said last year. For at least the first two months of Delaware’s online gaming, the answer is now clear: very little. [Read More…]DGE’s changes shortchange the public, By Ben Borowsky, Posted on
When New Jersey changed its casino regulatory system a few years back, putting the day-to-day controls completely under the Division of Gaming Enforcement, I (and others) expressed concerns that at some point in the future the public would be shortchanged. That occurred recently when the DGE suddenly (and without any public hearings) eliminated the release of detailed monthly revenue reports from Atlantic City’s casinos. [Read More…]